Another year, another round of SolidWorks API enhancements. Let’s run through the most notable:
- Get corresponding sketch contours, sketch segments, and annotations for a specific instance of a component in the context of an assembly.
- Get or set the properties of paragraphs in note annotations.
- Get or set cross break feature data in sheet metal parts.
- Get or set indent feature data.
- Get or set boundary feature data.
- Get or set chain pattern feature data.
- Insert a structural weldment feature using a configuration in a custom weldment profile.
- Get or set the name of the configuration in a custom weldment profile for a structural member.
- Get or set hole callout variables.
- Get or set gaps between center marks and extension lines, add center marks to a center mark set, get whether center marks are detached, get whether entities have detached center marks in a center mark set, reattach center marks to a center mark set, and get the coordinates of center marks.
- Get or set options for ray-trace rendering engines, including the option to include annotations and dimensions visible in the model in the final render.
- Make the child components of a component virtual when the component is made virtual.
- Get the name of the drawing zone for the specified x and y coordinates on the drawing sheet.
- Reload the sheet format from the original sheet format template.
- Support for these leader styles: Attach Leader Bottom, Attach Leader Center,
- Attach Leader Nearest, and Attach Leader Top.
- Set geometric tolerance values and datum references in gtol symbol frames.
- Get or set whether to display hole sizes in hole tables using ANSI inch letters and drill numbers.
- Get or set the message to display in the What’s Wrong dialog box when a non-embedded macro feature fails to rebuild due to missing files.
- Get the actual mass properties of selected components in a model.
- Get or set the “Same as sheet specified in Document Properties” check box in the Sheet Properties dialog box.
- Specify whether to convert the inner loops of the selected faces to sketch entities on a sketch plane.
- Get the name of a sketch segment.
- Get or set curvature continuous for a variable radius fillet feature.
- Fire an event when an assembly component is about to be renamed.
- For SolidWorks MBD: 1) Publish to 3D PDF, 2) Create a general table annotation for 3D PDF, 3) Support for exporting decals and textures to 3D PDF. (New in SolidWorks 2015, SolidWorks MDB (Model Based Definition) is an integrated drawingless manufacturing solution for SolidWorks.)
Want to see the API interfaces and calls related to each of these topics? Check out the Release Notes article in the local or online API Help. You can find it in the local API Help by searching for “Release Notes” in the category tab. Note that the local API Help Release Notes will only be as up-to-date as the service pack you have downloaded. Also note that the online API Help is only updated for SP0, SP1, and SP5.
As always, if you discover an area where the API is lacking, don’t be afraid to submit it to the SolidWorks API support team.
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Hey there,
Thank you for these new features, but you don’t specify if all the older features are still available without change.
Is it the case? (I wanna know if the upgrade requests an adaptation of my API)
API calls are never overwritten, otherwise legacy code would break. When a new version of an API call is introduced, the integer on the end of the API call is incremented. For example, ISldWorks::OpenDoc6 is the 6th version of the API call that opens SolidWorks documents.