Onshape FeatureScript Library

CADSharp offers a large collection of Onshape custom features completely FREE for you to use. These public custom features demonstrate a glimpse of what we can create for you using Onshape’s native FeatureScript language.

Don’t see what your looking for? Have us make a custom feature for you!

  • Open the Onshape document containing the custom feature.
  • While viewing the Onshape document, click on the Add Feature Icon icon near the top of the page.
  • Select the custom feature from the list.
  • The custom feature will be added to your toolbar for use in any document.

      Watch video lessons to easily learn how to make your own custom features with FeatureScript!

Aligned Bounding Box

Aligned Bounding Box

Creates a bounding box aligned with entities.

Convex Polyhedron

Convex Polyhedron

Creates a convex polyhedron.

Curve Generator

Curve Generator

Generates a calculated curve.

Flat Pattern Copy

Flat Pattern Copy

Copy the flat pattern of a sheet metal part.

Garbage Collection

Garbage Collection

Delete any type of body.



Imprints a pre-defined sketch.

Intersect Views

Intersect Views

Creates a 3D part by intersecting flat views.

Laser Measure

Laser Measure

Measure up to any entity in the specified direction.

Measure Cut List

Measure Cut List

Creates a table of measurements.

Measure Value

Measure Value

Create variables from measured values.

Multi Mate Connector

Multi Mate Connector

Create advanced mate connectors.

Offset Curve 3D

Offset Curve 3D

Offset a 3D curve.

Pattern & Sweep

Pattern & Sweep

Sweep along multiple paths.

Rolling Transform

Rolling Transform

Roll the part along a path.

Set Property

Set Property

Set the properties of a part or multiple parts.



Creates an Onshape table via CSV or manually.



Create a texture on a surface.

Thickness Analysis

Thickness Analysis

Measure the thickness between faces.

Transform Pattern

Transform Pattern

Pattern via transforms.

Variable Helix

Variable Helix

Create a variable helix.

Volume Optimizer

Volume Optimizer

Optimize part to target volume.

Zone Delete

Zone Delete

Delete parts via zone.