SolidWorks World 2013, hosted at Disney World in Orlando, is right around the corner. This year in particular looks like a great year for SolidWorks API learners and enthusiasts. If you’re attending, below is a list I’ve compiled of all presentations related to the SolidWorks API. If you have the opportunity, definitely join me on Tuesday at 4:30 for my presentation, “The 99 Must-Know Members of the SolidWorks API” (the same one I delivered last year). Stop by afterward and say hello—It would be great to meet you!
API for the Beginner
Monday, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Tom Cote, Applied CAD Solutions, LLC
Step through different ways to create, get info from the web, edit, test & document a macro as well as linking the macro to an icon in SolidWorks. This session is designed for the person that has no programming experience.
Features and Capabilities of the SolidWorks Costing API
Monday, 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM
Daniel Seaman, SolidWorks Corp
Gain an introduction to the SolidWorks Costing API covering its capabilities and limitations using real-world case studies. Use the API to compare the cost implications of using different manufacturing processes and extract detailed information about the tools, materials, and time required to make a part.
Get Started with Visual Basic.NET Macros
Monday, 4:30 – 6:30 PM
Mike Spens, SolidWorks Corp
Learn how to automate SolidWorks using the Visual Studio for Applications (VSTA) macro environment. In this hands-on session, attendees examine the benefits of VB.NET versus VBA, and take away the handy utility they create.
Automating Weldments with API
Tuesday, 1:30 – 2:30 PM
Cody Armstrong, Digital Dimensions, Inc.
Automate weldment part and drawing design using the SolidWorks API.
Visual Basic® for Applications 7: Getting SolidWorks Macros Ready for 64-Bit
Tuesday, 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Frank Lindeman, SolidWorks Corp
Hear an introduction to the language changes of Visual Basic for Applications 7 in SolidWorks 2013, supporting 64-bit. This presentation will outline scenarios to adapt existing macros using external Windows® and ActiveX® controls dlls for use with SolidWorks 2013, while keeping them backward-compatible.
Macros for the Masses – Beginning VSTA
Tuesday, 1:30 – 2:30 PM
Jerry Winters, PDMI, Inc.
Join the ranks of those who turbo-charge their SolidWorks installations by learning VSTA yourself. On its own, SolidWorks can be used to design amazing things. When we learn how to write macros (and not just record them), we can design better, faster, and more accurately.
The 99 Must-Know Members of the SolidWorks API
Tuesday, 4:30 – 6:00 PM
Keith Rice,
Gain a glimpse of what’s important and what’s not, covering many aspects of part, assembly, and drawing automation using a realistic case study. The SolidWorks API is huge. Like any language, however, you only need to know 5 percent of the words to accomplish 95 percent of what you need.
Design with the API in Mind
Wednesday, 1:30 – 2:30 PM
Jerry Winters, PDMI, Inc.
Learn the tools and techniques that best support downstream API efforts. SolidWorks gives us an amazing number of design tools we can use to create our models. But if we plan on using the SolidWorks API to create custom solutions for our models, not all design tools are created equal.
Finally, if you aren’t attending SolidWorks World but would still like to see presentations that were recorded, or at least download PowerPoint slides, be sure to visit the presentation archive after a few weeks. Here you can also watch API-related presentations from the past few years.
Hope to see you in Orlando!
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