
CADSharp is partnering with EhCanadian and is pleased to present one their flagship products, “Convert DWG Task”. Formerly called, “Convert With DraftSight”, Convert DWG Task is a SOLIDWORKS PDM task add-in that converts DWG files to PDF and DXF. This program comes with its own built-in PDF generator but also supports DraftSight and AutoCAD scripting.

SOLIDWORKS includes a DWG to PDF add-in using DraftSight but its functionality is quite limited compared to Convert DWG Task, as you can see in the table below.

Features Comparison DRAFTSIGHT OUR ADDIN
Output file in or out of vault type Yes
Variables in the filename Yes Yes
Secondary output paths No Yes
Secondary output paths can be relative Yes Yes
Duplicate file handling Yes Yes
Create reference from the destination file Yes Yes
Custom menu command Yes Yes
Use DraftSight for conversion Yes Yes
Use AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT for conversion No Yes
Includes built-in PDF generator No Yes
VB.NET scripting No Yes
C# scripting No Yes
Page setup by default, layout, block, file name, etc No Yes
Export all or specific sheets No Yes
Export sheets based on file name or sheet name No Yes
Export sheets to one or seperate PDFs No Yes
Ignore model layout when exporting all No Yes
Combine all PDFs from the task into one file No Yes
Full API for scripting No Yes
Watermark PDF on export with image or text No Yes
Apply password protection to PDFs No Yes
Separate email notifications with PDF attachments No Yes
Email notification supports SSL No
Full logging No Yes


  • SolidWorks EPDM/PDM Professional.
  • DraftSight or AutoCAD must be installed on the computer running the task if you’re using scripting.
  • .NET 4.5 is required, so as of version 201, this add-in will not run on EPDM 2013 and earlier.

999 USD sign-up fee, followed by 150 USD per year

Please visit EhCanadian for more details.

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